Poland’s First Lady Mrs Anna Komorowska and other personalities acting at the service of children! Expo Sweet Trades are already over! Result: 43 801 zlotys!

The biggest in Poland Ice – cream and Sweet Trades, organised by Economic Business European Association (EZIG), Expo Sweet are already over. But the echo of  Trades goes on, despite ice – creams and pralines eaten and the hall closed.

Thanks to the philantropic gesture during the Trades our children will have the opportunity to profit from this financial support for many weeks and months.

More than 43 thousand zlotys from chocolate Easter Eggs auction, 801 zlotys collected during the money collection and few articles to be auctioned this spring: also for our children.

Thank you!

Full report from Expo Sweet 2013 is here.


We invite you to watch video relations on  Organiser’s Youtube channel and also to watch our photo gallery where you will see not only our chocolate auction but also cakes, ice – creams, pralines, chocolate cups, frozen yoghurts and many more wonderful candies.


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