This students urgently need your help

Benjamin on his return from school


URGENT: The years 2020-2022 proved to be very difficult for the many people who funded the school and the feeding of our students in Africa or Asia. Lockdown, stopped correspondence did not help either, as there was very sporadic or no information about our wards.  Some people are returning to donate after difficult years, some are forced to give up. As we end 2022, we urgently need your help to keep kids and young people in school who have been studying for years. Lack of funding at the end of the study derailed any chance of an independent future.

Please support a pupil or student – one or more – with any amount.
If you also write to us in addition to sending funds, you will get to know more about the child or teenager you have helped.

Esther in her final year of interior design

Why the backlog of funding? Children are funded on a rolling basis from the day they are admitted to the programme. Missionaries and coordinators receive tranches of funds according to the school year schedule. Cancellations, interruptions in payments, financial problems of Donors affect the balance of children.

Become an Aunt, Grandmother, Uncle or Grandfather and clear the backlog of fees (details of one-off aid here). We do not mediate natural adoption and we do not assist in bringing children from Africa to Poland. African countries have very good secondary and higher education, they provide enough education to get an education and help the local community and their own family. We want the people of Africa to become partners in our projects over time, not just beneficiaries.

Important note: If you wish to become a regular parent of Adoption of the Heart  BEFORE YOU WRITE TO US be sure to read the rules and see how the programme is run CLICK HERE
Standard fees, depending on the institution, are approximately EUR 250 / USD 360 per year; children from orphanages and children with disabilities and students need a higher budget.

Select a Pupil or Student from the tables below,
and then the amount of the donation for the fee shortfall.

You will be redirected to the Dotpay payment page, where you will be able to complete the donation and add, for example, the name of a specific student. Your donation will cover the tuition fee arrears of the selected person.




inna kwota

Marie Ange on medical internship

Bank accounts numbers :
65 2490 0005 0000 4520 4418 9818 (PLN)
lub  69 2490 0005 0000 4600 1195 6471 (EURO).
Title of repayment “name of child listed and words – one-off payment – donation”.

Therese on internship – hospitality management

It is advisable to contact us before making a deposit. We will confirm to you whether the balance is definitely up to date in terms of the amount and has not been paid off by another person a few days earlier. * The bank account is checked every few days. It is important to send a confirmation of the transfer to the email indicated below – this very much speeds up the updating of the pupil’s financial information. Thank you for your great help and understanding.
Thank you for helping to keep the programme and students stable in schools.

Repayment of urgent arrears (Table 1)
Pupils with fee shortfalls facing removal from school rolls – URGENT need to pay school fees by END OF JANUARY 2023

Czekają na pomoc – PILNA spłata zaległości dziecka

Imię dzieckaWiek/klasa dzieckaKwota zaległości za lata 2020-2023
Sujitaszk. podst557 USD
Emmanuel3 liceum915 EUR
Floraszkoła średnia546 EUR
BeatriceForm 3287 USD
Josephine5 liceum909 EUR
NicksonForm 21524 USD
Pierroklasa 6 szk. podst.560 EUR
ArmandMechanik, szk zawodowa ost.rok486 EUR

Children with a backlog for urgent permanent adoption (Table 2). 

If you would like to help a particular child, please see the following page first:, and then write to:

Imię dziecka/krajwiek / rok ur lub klasazaległość 2017-2023opłata roczna do końca 2024
Purnima520 USD340 USD
Arnold6 liceum dwujęzyczne (przedmaturalna) 860 EUR250 EUR
Badjirou2 CETIC (średnia, techniczna)484 EUR250 EUR
Nimesh1106 USD340 USD
Emmanuel3 kl. liceum206 EUR250 EUR
Sanchit695 USD340 USD
Joshuaszkoła specjalna718 USD700 USD
Kevin N2001, szk. średnia180 USD190 USD
Lucy2288 USD850 USD
Nawolur. 2007979 USD340 USD
Saroj327 USDSkończył
Gaurav461 USD340 USD
Badjirou5 kl. liceum techniczne484 EUR250 EUR
Timothy577 USD
Prashant1042 USD340 USD
Sujitaszk.podst227 USD
Aristide 1 liceum421 EUR250 EUR
Floraprzedmaturalna, college400 EUR
BeatriceForm 4 (średnia)82 USD980 USD
Josephine5 liceum909 EUR250 EUR
NicksonForm 2 (średnia)1100 USD850 USD
Pierro6 kl. szk. podst.200 EUR
Rosineform.zawodu – projektowanie i krawiectwo430 EUR
Elodieform.zawodu – projektowanie i krawiectwo447 EUR350 EUR
Rajaniszk.podst109 USD
Bishalszk. średnia565 USDKończy
Nadineform.zawodowa (2/2)376 EUR400
Andreszk.podst539 EUR
Paulin2 technikum (3 LT)505 EUR250 EUR
Raphaella3 liceum567 EUR250 EUR
Armandszk.zawodowa, mechanika360 EURKończy
Aline314 EUR
Chanceline6 kl. szk. podst640 EUR250 EUR
Sandraszk. zawodowa598 EURKończy
Precious6 kl. szk. podst1429 USD850 USD
Nasi darczyńcy