Aid sometimes requires additional arrangements. Cultural facilities, sports day care centers have a certain limit imposed in Nepal on the amount of money they can accept for operations, and this is strictly controlled by the government. More running projects, students – does not increase this limit. For a long time, we have been cooperating and helping Nepal through a foundation set up locally – here the control every 6 months is carried out by an auditor and on a daily basis – social welfare.
n recent months, the Institute was also established – here the limits are different – adapted to the projects, the number of participants and the actual needs. Therefore, under this measure, we will cover school tuition fees for professional preparation, competitions, additional training, including adept goldsmiths, which we have written about more than once in the context of Nepalese youth.
We thank each and every person who supports our Nepalese charges. We currently have several children in Nepal with a backlog for urgent adoption. Write: