Hubert became the child under the Foundation’s care in June, 2013 when he was chosen by the Bridesmaids from Poznan for this year’s child under the care of our 5th Bridesmaids Campaign Bridesmaids Winning over the City for a suffering Kid!
Hubert will be the hero of the Campaign in Poznań.
What does Hubi need from us?
More under the title CHILDREN OF THE FOUNDATION – or check in the piece dedicated to him on our website.
Payments for Hubert in 2013 can be made through the Foundation’s account: entitled ‘Hubert Przybylski – darowizna na rehabilitację i leczenie.’
address: Fundacja Mają Przyszłość, ul.Młyńska 45, 62-070 Konarzewo
account details: Alior Bank, PL 54 2490 0005 0000 4600 7569 4568
Payments under the title ‘for realisation of the statutory goals’ will be transferred in full to all the children taken under our the care..