Barbara – It has lacked EUR 800 to finish treatment after surgery

A surgery in Cameroon is not a simple matter, nor a cheap one.
A lovely teenager, a missionaries’ charge, she needed urgent cardiac surgery. Barbara was consulted by a cardiologist surgeon. The operation was scheduled between 18 and 24 October 2020. Because, at this time in Yaounde, a few doctors from the USA made surgeries at a local hospital for a month.

They ordered her next tests, and the family has to find three blood donors. During a few days, the family had to pay EUR 3000 so that the surgery could be done in a planned time. With the  Donors’ help and the full commitment and the borrowing of the whole family, they succeeded.  Barbara returns to strength. The cost of medicines after the surgery reached tens of euros  monthly. It is a great joy. However, the toughness of the last months, isolation, indebtedness, and the operation itself cause that we want to help them. EUR 800 will assist Barbara in completing  the treatment, consultation. The money will also allow the family to get back on track.

If you can help her – please find the details below:

Fundacja Mają Przyszłość, Alior Bank

PLN : 44 2490 0005 0000 4600 3246 9899
IBAN PL44 2490 0005 0000 4600 3246 9899

EUR: 69 2490 0005 0000 4600 1195 6471
IBAN PL69 2490 0005 0000 4600 1195 6471

Transfer title: “Barbara, Kamerun – darowizna na leczenie” / “Barbara, Cameroon – donation for treatment”


The Foundation’s Volunteers


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