Frederick is already an intern! Thank you for helping the student.

Frederick began a one-year hotel and catering school in September 2019. 

Currently, his learning is in abeyance. However, as soon as the situation is under control, the  students will return to their schools and exams(more you can read in the post from May 2, 2020.  

Not every student begins the undergraduate or postgraduate path; many choose vocational  schools to get qualifications in a shorter time and start the job.

They search for the help of missionaries who give proper advice and are guideposts for them.  Mainly, they tell them where direction should go their education to increase the chance of  supporting them and their families. The missionaries also show them how to pass the exams, get  qualifications, and of course, find them jobs. 

The missionaries give student dreams a realistic shape. Although they do their very best for their  goals come true according to their talents and skills.

Frederick stays at a hotel for the last months of his studies – gaining many different  qualifications. In March, he already got his culinary skills in the kitchen and was one of the  persons preparing the lavish women’s day at the hotel. 

He sent us some of his “works.” Congratulations! They look delicious :) 



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