Kevin’s future costs $800

This is the total amount for the full final barista course with travel and exams. Kevin studied for many years, managing to finish high school so he could do a vocational course. He does not desire many years of study, he would like to start earning for his family in the simplest way, to help send his younger siblings to school, to support his mother. Dad disappeared from their lives many years ago, leaving a wrecking wife with three minor children.

Graduating from high school opened the way for me to colleag and get a final qualification at a professional school.

Several months of study culminating in an exam, a diploma and a job in a developing tourist town at a total cost of $800.

Kevin is waiting for a person to whom his fate will not be indifferent, and the possibilities will allow this Donor to finance his education.

You can’t change the whole world, but today you can change Kevin’s whole world….

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