We are starting a blog with news from our African outpost

Blog with news from African missions

We answered your questions and we have published a special blog containing the details of what’s happening at the outposts, stories from the sisters and children, and other information from Africa. 

Our blog is dedicated to everyone who has HEART FOR AFRICA and who left their heart in there. The blog is in Polish, but with the many photos we post and describe in English, also non-Polish speakers may find it interesting and worthwhile.

The publishing of the information on our blog will be one of our Foundation activities, but you’ll also find stories authored by sisters Alina and Rut from Africa. They will share the sorrows and joys of everyday life at their places. This will also give us a wider context to imagine what our children’s life is like. This is especially important because the information the parents receive once a year is often not sufficient and they want to be closer to them on a daily basis ;)

Although the blog is starting only today, we wanted it to reflect the older stories to bring to you a more complete picture of the situation. You’ll find there some older posts describing the beginnings of our cooperation with the missionary sisters and the facts we have learned from our correspondence.
We’ll also aim to include information about any important events – also as directs posts from the missionary sisters or volunteers at the outposts.

Welcome to our exciting blog! (Click on the image below to access the blog: )

Blog with news from African missions

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